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Story Box-ID: 1016408

KAESER KOMPRESSOREN SE Carl-Kaeser-Str. 26 96450 Coburg, Deutschland http://www.kaeser.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Daniela Koehler +49 9561 640452

Setting new standards in the 5m³ range

Mobilair M59

(PresseBox) (Coburg, )
A new basic body, a new engine that meets EU Emissions Stage V, a lightweight version, plus polyethylene gull-wing doors and a wide range of options, including compressed air treatment and generators for the simultaneous production of compressed air and electrical power: the new Mobilair M59 portable compressor has it all. And thanks to pV control, large pressure ranges can be covered with one and the same system.

In addition to the standard 10 bar version, operators requiring increased flexibility can select a version equipped for pressure settings anywhere between 6 and 14 bar. With pV control, familiar from larger Mobilair models, the infinitely adjustable maximum pressure (p) directly influences the maximum flow rate (V). Thanks to this flexible control system, it is equally possible to operate a breaker at a maximum pressure of 7 bar or perform sandblasting work at 10 bar. It also serves to counteract potential pressure losses when working with longer hose lines.

At its lowest pressure setting, the M59 can provide a flow rate of up to 5.5 m³/min. Setting the pressure using the time-tested Sigma Control Smart controller is easy and convenient – as is the system start-up.

The M59 is powered by a Hatz engine that also meets the stringent EU Emissions Stage V standard. In addition, the European M59 is available as a lightweight version weighing less than 750 kg, permitting a chassis without a service brake. The driver does not need a special trailer licence and can select a smaller towing vehicle. And when the compressor arrives at the building site, it is easier to uncouple and manoeuvre by hand.

To compensate for the extra weight of the required diesel particulate filter while continuing to offer a portable compressor with optional aftercooler and a large enough fuel tank for a full day's work onsite, Kaeser adopted a new approach to lightweight construction. Aluminium offers weight savings as compared to polyethylene – with no loss of robustness or long-term value retention.

Naturally, the M59 is also available on request with a chassis fitted with an overrun brake. This is used, for example, when the user opts for a generator or compressed air treatment equipment with a filter combination for oil-free compressed air. The M59 can also be specified with an 8.5 or 13 kVA generator, thereby transforming it into a mobile power source for construction sites. This is where pV control plays its trump card – depending on the set maximum pressure and current power consumption, the controller ensures the maximum possible flow volume of compressed air and electrical current simultaneously.  

For the first time, noise protection is provided by gull-wing doors made of roto-moulded polyethylene. These two large doors swing open to provide perfect access to all service parts.

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