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Story Box-ID: 1239340

KISTERS AG Pascalstraße 8 + 10 52076 Aachen, Deutschland http://www.kisters.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Melanie Ellrich +49 2408 9385569
Logo der Firma KISTERS AG

KISTERS 3DViewStation: Increased Efficiency by Optimized User Interface

Many Highlights in the New Release v2025.0 Now Available

(PresseBox) (Sacramento, CA, )
With the new 3DViewStation v2025.0 release, KISTERS has focused on optimizing the Office-like user interface. The aim was to make the established multi-CAD viewer even more intuitive, while reducing mouse movements and the number of mouse clicks required. With the new release, the operation of the software has been considerably simplified for occasional and less experienced users, but is also much more efficient for experienced users.

As part of the revision, the ribbons (icon bars) familiar from MS Office have been reorganized: each ribbon now contains all thematically related functions and any important associated settings. Some ribbons have been renamed, some have been added. The result is that in typical workflows you now have to switch between ribbons much less often and can therefore complete your task with less searching effort and fewer clicks. This makes the KISTERS 3DViewStation even more efficient and intuitive than it already was.

Another striking feature of the interface is the newly created option of organizing views into groups. This requirement was brought to us by customers who prepare their 3D CAD data in a large number of views and have lost the overview. Now new groups can be easily created and named, new views can be created inside a group or moved from other groups. Similar to Windows Explorer, these new groups can be collapsed or expanded again as required. Use cases include more complex assembly sequences, work instructions, preparation for review meetings and more.

All new features of KISTERS 3DViewStation v2025.0 are available immediately and can be tested free of charge with all 180+ functions in the 30-day demo: 3dviewstation.com/downloads

Further changes in the release:

Export 2D:
DXF, SVG, CGM: now for 3D and 2D formats
HPGL/2, DWF, Gerber RS274X

Functions & Features:
  • New markup object “Line”
  • Separate button for markup with hyperlink
  • The “Physical properties” button now has its own function window
  • Creation of geometric primitives such as point, line, surface, cube, cylinder, sphere
  • Checking solids for closedness: detection of “open solids”
  • Checking geometries before export: critical objects are colored
  • Collision check: Multibodies can now be treated as one part
  • Redesigned window with information about an available 3DViewStation update.
  • VR-Edition: Support for MetaQuest 3
KISTERS 3DViewStation is continuously enhanced in response to customer needs and requirements. It is available as a Desktop, HTML5 WebViewer and VR Edition product versions plus the online collaboration tool VisShare. All product offerings can be integrated with a PLM, ERP or other leading management system as well as service and spare part applications. KISTERS 3DViewStation provides all necessary APIs for your development team. For cloud, portal and web solutions, there is a HTML5-based WebViewer solution available, which does not require client installation. All file formats can be used in combination with the intelligent navigation and hyperlinking features to address the needs of complex integration scenarios.

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With more than 25 years of success in the market as a provider of superior visualization solutions from desktop to mobile, KISTERS has become the CAD viewer tool of choice within the 3D visualization industry. The company’s clients range from small firms to well-known multinationals, comprising more than 3,000 customers and over 200,000 installations worldwide. The 3DViewStation's easy-to-use interface is suitable for all user groups and 100% customizable to everyone’s specific requirements.

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