Sie haben vom 22.06. - 25.06.2015 die Möglichkeit, in der Halle B3 am Stand 103 mehr über das attraktive Portfolio von Micro Photon Devices zu erfahren.
Prof. Ivan Rech von Micro Photon Devices hält am 22. Juni 2015 von 12:00 - 12:20 Uhr in Halle B3 im Forum Biophotonics and Medical Applications auf der Laser World of Photonics 2015 einen Vortrag über:
Time-Resolved FLIM instrumentation for investigating Parkinson disease at molecular level
A 32 channels system for time-resolved fluorescence-lifetime measurements will be presented. Such instrument is based on an array of Single Photon Avalanche Diodes and on a state-of-the-art time-correlated single photon counting module. It is also the heart of a larger apparatus that will be used for a novel screening platform based on confocal microscopy that has the capability to produce high resolution time lapse images of cells providing not only intensity information but also spectrum and fluorescence lifetime information in a semi-automated more high-throughput manner. This multispectral imaging will allow the investigation of spatial and temporal molecular mechanisms of Parkinson disease processes at the sub-cellular level and evaluate the effects of potential drugs. Project partners: Micro Photon Devices, Politecnico di Milano, EURAC Center for Biomedicine and University of Cambridge.