Accessibility in online print: constraints or an opportunity for real equality?
On 28 June of this year, the EU's Accessibility Improvement Act will come into force, requiring online retailers to make their digital services and online stores accessible and usable for people with disabilities. This applies not only to “big brands” such as Zalando, Otto and others, but also to online print providers and the developers of the configurators and editors used in online print stores.
“The new EU law on the accessibility of online stores presents online print shops with new challenges and, for the time being, absolutely calls into question web-to-print as we know it The new regulations are perceived by many as an additional constraint. On the other hand, however, the Accessibility Improvement Act is an important step towards real equality, as it means that everyone can now participate in e-commerce. We will try to define initial solutions here,” explains Bernd Zipper, co-organizer of the Online Print Symposium.
For anyone who has not yet familiarized themselves with the new regulations, now is the time to do so. OPS 2025 offers the perfect forum for this, and not just with a panel discussion.
As Jed Seifert, co-founder of print-on-demand provider Stakes Manufacturing, will demonstrate in his presentation “Redefining Print-on-Demand through Innovation & Inclusion”, the topic of accessibility can also be viewed from a different perspective. Inclusion focuses on the company's own employees - and this is precisely where the US company is actively involved.
Ten percent of the workforce are people with developmental disabilities. At Stakes Manufacturing, they are valued as an equally committed and high-performing part of the team. At the Online Print Symposium 2025, Jed Seifert will explain how companies can benefit from an inclusive corporate philosophy and at the same time help shape the future of the industry with the help of modern printing technologies. In addition to practical examples, Jed Seifert will also be sharing a wide range of strategic recommendations for taking action.
Four start-ups that are rethinking and using print
The Insight Pitches at this year's Online Print Symposium have four pitches up for grabs. Four innovative start-ups have the chance to use the platform for a ten-minute pitch of their business idea.
One of them is Surprisa. Behind Surprisa are Anne Rehschuh and Michel Albert, who have made it their goal to revolutionize gift-giving with creative DIY packaging. With its lovingly designed gift boxes printed on high-quality materials, Surprisa not only turns every unboxing moment into an emotional experience, but also sets new standards when it comes to personalized gifts.
Andreas Aplien's insight pitch, on the other hand, is more technical. With CoCoCo, he presents a platform designed to simplify cross-company collaboration in the printing industry and enable the seamless integration and automation of processes - without any complicated implementation.
Start-up no. 3 is enna systems GmbH from Munich, which has developed a tactile operating concept with its “enna Cards” that enables older people and people with disabilities to participate in the digital world. On the OPS stage, Tobias Bily will explain how the enna Cards help to break down barriers to using modern technology.
A “Buddy” for online retail: The start-up YappyBuy has developed an AI-supported assistant that not only goes by the name of “Buddy”, but is primarily intended to help online retailers attract more customers. How does it do this? By helping to avoid abandonment in the checkout process, including through multilingual support and through intelligent communication. Johannes P. Hattingh explains how this can sustainably improve the customer experience at the Online Print Symposium 2025.
Anyone who wants to know more about the start-ups should use the OPS to make direct contact. Tickets can be booked via the OPS website: Tickets & Prices - Online Print Symposium 2025.
Keynotes invite you to think outside the box
Traditionally, the keynotes that kick off the two days of the event promise exciting insights into the world of the big players in the printing industry.
This year's Online Print Symposium will be opened by Dr. Michael Fries, Executive Vice President for Europe and Global Manufacturing at VistaPrint. The industry expert, who has more than 20 years of experience in online print, will talk about the role of AI, mass customization and automation with a view to the growth opportunities for online print shops. He will also assess how the European market is performing against international competition and provide valuable insights.
With Christoph Gamper, CEO and Co-Owner of the Durst Group, day 2 will also start with a real visionary. His keynote will focus on the digital transformation of the printing industry. He is convinced that sustainable success is only possible through continuous innovation and the right people. At the OPS, Gamper will talk about specific strategies on how companies can successfully adapt to and benefit from changing market conditions.
Co-organizer and moderator Jens Meyer predicts: “The Online Print Symposium is once again keeping its promise and will continue to be a real summit for the industry in 2025. If you want to know what the true trends and innovations in online print are, you should definitely not miss the OPS. This is the only place where decision-makers from all the major players come together to learn from each other and be inspired.”
If you want to take a look at the full program, you can find it on the OPS website: Speakers - Online Print Symposium 2025. If you have any questions, the OPS team is also available at any time by email:
The organisers
zipcon consulting GmbH is a global consulting company for the communications, print and media industry with a focus on online print and digital transformation. The company sees itself as an independent and comprehensive technology and strategy consultant. zipcon also produces market studies and various case studies for e-business print, mass customization and multichannel publishing. Leading companies in the online print industry rely on the expertise of this company.
The Bundesverband Druck und Medien e. V. (bvdm) is the umbrella organization of the German printing industry. As an employers' association, political trade association and technical trade association, it represents the positions and objectives of the printing industry vis-à-vis politicians, administration, trade unions and the supplier industry. The bvdm is supported by eight regional associations. Internationally, it is organized through its membership of Intergraf and FESPA. The printing industry currently comprises around 6,500 predominantly small and medium-sized companies with more than 100,000 employees subject to social insurance contributions.