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Story Box-ID: 920495

Radio Frequency Systems GmbH Kabelkamp 20 30179 Hannover, Deutschland http://www.rfsworld.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Lea Gahl +49 511 67655140
Logo der Firma Radio Frequency Systems GmbH
Radio Frequency Systems GmbH

RFS talks about the realities of next-generation broadcasting at IBC 2018

(PresseBox) (Amsterdam, )
Radio Frequency Systems (RFS), a global designer and manufacturer of total-package solutions for wireless and broadcast infrastructure, is proud to be showcasing its market leading RF broadcasting technology and major global deployments at IBC 2018.

RFS is at the forefront of the industry with broadcast RF products designed to build the broadcast infrastructure of the future. RFS will be discussing its high profile deployments and demonstrating its latest innovation at stand 8.E81.

RFS RFS will be showing its patented Variable Polarization Technology which provides future-proof technology for broadcasters looking to upgrade their infrastructure to meet next-generation broadcasting requirements. RFS’ VPT-powered systems have a number of benefits:
  • Essential for shared antenna situations: Allows each broadcaster to set their own polarization ratio. This brings superior signal penetration and coverage, while also enabling broadcasters to reduce infrastructure ownership costs.
  • Simplifies the evolution to DVB-T2 standards: Polarization changes can be made with minor adjustments at the transmitter level in the station. This will make it quick and easy for broadcasters to shift from horizontal to the elliptical polarization needed for mobile devices under DVB-T2 when they are ready – and without extra cost or upgrades.
  • Advanced transmission: VPT-powered antennas can transmit advanced DVB-T2 modes such as MIMO and MISO, increasing the volume of data that can be sent to a receiving device.
RFS will discuss its deployment of the UK’s first VPT antenna.  Solving the issue of needing an antenna that could radiate horizontal polarisation on the current channels above 700MHz, and easily be switched to provide elliptical (mixed) polarisation when the site changes to channels below 700MHz, RFS was the only vendor able to provide technology fit for this purpose. 

Additionally, RFS will discuss its work beyond Europe as a major player in the world first UHD TV deployment in South Korea. Providing two thirds of the country’s infrastructure for the UHD TV switchover to be completed by 2021, RFS will talk through the challenges of the deployment and the specifics of what is needed to meet the requirements of DVB-T2 in practice.

Mick Bennett, Global Product Manager, Broadcast and Defence at RFS commented, “At RFS we pride ourselves on being a solutions provider rather than a product vendor when it comes to our work in the broadcasting sector. The result is that when we encounter problems, such as interference or the challenges of undertaking world-first deployments, we are in a position to tackle and solve them with our customers. It is this level of service and deep understanding of the industry that keep us and our customers at the forefront of RF broadcasting technology.”

For more information, contact Lea Gahl at lea.gahl@rfsworld.com  to schedule a meeting at IBC 2018. 

Radio Frequency Systems GmbH

Radio Frequency Systems (RFS) is a global designer and manufacturer of cable, antenna and tower systems, plus active and passive RF conditioning modules, providing total-package solutions for wireless infrastructure.

RFS serves OEMs, distributors, system integrators, operators and installers in the broadcast, wireless communications, land-mobile and microwave market sectors. As an ISO compliant organization with manufacturing and customer service facilities that span the globe, RFS offers cutting-edge engineering capabilities, superior field support and innovative product design. RFS is a leader in wireless infrastructure.

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