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Story Box-ID: 1155011

Scalefree International GmbH Schützenallee 3 30519 Hannover, Deutschland http://www.scalefree.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Sandra Krenn 051187989354

Scalefree is committed to local institutions

Support for the fire department in Everloh

(PresseBox) (Hannover, )
Scalefree International GmbH is committed to social responsibility and sustainability and would like to give something back this year. In order to better ensure the safety and well-being of the people in the community of Everloh and the surrounding area, Scalefree supports the fire department with styrofoam transport boxes for compressed air bottles.

The Everloh fire department is a small local fire department of the city of Gehrden. The fire department consists of 26 members. The number of operations has increased significantly in recent years. Thus, the Everloh fire department has already processed 10 operations since January 2023 up to and including March, including, for example, fires or traffic accidents. Scalefree would like to contribute to the fire department being able to carry out its important work in the community even better and has therefore decided to sponsor the procurement of polystyrene boxes for the transport of compressed air bottles. The transport of compressed air cylinders for breathing apparatus or lifting bags, for example, will be made much easier for the team, as special safety regulations must be observed.

The boxes are an ideal solution for safe transport, as they are light and stable and provide optimal insulation. This allows firefighters to transport compressed air cylinders safely and easily without damaging them or losing their contents. The cylinders can now also be transported safely in the station´s multipurpose vehicle.

Scalefree is very happy to support an important organization like the volunteer fire department. Christof Wenzeritt (CEO Scalefree International GmbH) "knows from his own home town that voluntary fire departments have the challenge to get adequate equipment."

Scalefree International GmbH

Scalefree International GmbH, founded in 2016 by Michael Olschimke and Dan Linstedt and based in Hanover, Germany, is a BI consulting company that supports your company in all questions around data warehousing, automation, data transformation and much more. Scalefree will guide your company on the way to a scalable, efficient and future-proof data infrastructure with competent consulting and training. Scalefree offers Workshops, Proof of Concepts, or implementation projects of new technology or a complete overhaul of your data structures and processes.

Scalefree stands for the Data Vault 2.0 System of Business Intelligence; the concept that grows with your data needs without running into limitations of scale.

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