Mold-Masters® Introduces Latest Technology at FAKUMA 2024
Mold-Masters, a leading developer and supplier of hot runners, controllers, auxiliary injection, and co-injection system…
Mold-Masters, a leading developer and supplier of hot runners, controllers, auxiliary injection, and co-injection system…
Baumüller Services und BVS Electronics schließen eine Service-Partnerschaft zur Intensivierung der gemeinsamen Geschäfts…
Red Hat, der weltweit führende Anbieter von Open-Source-Lösungen, hat neue Funktionen für Red Hat OpenShift vorgestellt…
Wir alle wissen: KI kann viel, benötigt aber auch enorme Rechenpower, eine diese bereitstellende IT- und Rechenzentrumsi…
Um sich zukunftssicher aufzustellen hat sich der internationale Chemiekonzern Kemira von seiner langjährigen Archivierun…
LOCI 2.0 erkennt aufkommende Softwareanomalien und -trends, gibt Hinweise auf den Fortschritt von Projektzweigen für ein…
In today's industrial setting, machinery plays a central role in production. Our Acoustic Camera Octagon is a vital asset for identifying defects by visualizing sound sources. It seamlessly conducts analysis even during continuous operation, eliminating the need for machine downtime. It combines 192 tiny, highly sensitive microphones with advanced algorithms to precisely record a wide frequency spectrum from 30 hertz to 24 kilohertz. In just five minutes, Octagon is able to create a comprehensi
Unexpected production downtime - an unexpected scenario that can happen at any time. This is especially true if the wear is not immediately apparent, such as in the case of conveyor belt drives. As downtimes can have a considerable impact on production processes, it is advisable to keep a replacement motor in stock. In this way, you can react promptly in an emergency and reduce interruptions to a minimum.
Beinahe alle befragten Unternehmen kümmern sich um die Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen // IT-Nachhaltigkeit st…
Weller Tools, a leader in hand soldering solutions, proudly announces that it received a 2024 NPI (New Product Introduct…