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Story Box-ID: 1079125

Variohm Eurosensor Ltd Hans-Bunte-Straße 8 69123 Heidelberg, Deutschland http://www.variohm.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Eddie Palmer +44 7748 815825
Logo der Firma Variohm Eurosensor Ltd
Variohm Eurosensor Ltd

APPLICATION NOTE - Onboard truck and trailer weighing: Variohm supplies Zemic load cells to Onboard Solutions & Sons

(PresseBox) (Heidelberg, )
Onboard Solutions & Sons is an onboard vehicle weighing specialist covering the installation, diagnostics, repair, and maintenance for load cell-based weighing systems on HGVs and other commercial trucks and trailers. From its main workshop in the industrial heartland around Nottinghamshire and with a nationwide call-out service, the Company prides itself on professional technical support gained by several years’ experience and weighing expertise including custom design and system installation. To ensure the high standards set for safety and reliability, Onboard Solutions choose load cells and mounting equipment from Zemic, the globally leading sensor manufacturer - supplied and fully supported by its exclusive UK distribution partner Variohm EuroSensor.

Onboard Solutions use the Zemic H10J series load cell for its commercial vehicle onboard weighing systems which include its own dash mounted or portable displays and weighing software. With optimum weighing performance achieved with the load cells installed between the load carrying superstructure (box, tank, flatbed etc.) and the vehicle chassis, the 15t capacity H10J series load cells provide the payload measurement for vehicles up to approximately 32 tonnes. Its bending beam design with nickel plated alloy steel and adhesive sealed construction has IP67 rated ingress protection to suit the harsh environment use for onboard vehicle installation. The CE certified load cell has a -35 to +70 ⁰C operating temperature range, 150% overload security and high resistance to shock and vibration, guaranteeing reliable and safe use. A detailed eight-page application guideline covering installation and use of the H10J series for onboard vehicle weighing is available on request from Variohm EuroSensor.

Variohm also supplies Zemic’s HM9C load cell for onboard weighing applications. This circular shaped dual shear beam model is available for load ratings to 44 tonnes and with alloy steel construction and hermetic sealing offers IP68 protection. It also features an OIML test certification and can therefore be used for commercial truck scales and other heavy weighing devices. Recently awarded a winner in the 2021 edition of the Weighing Review Readers' Choice Awards, the HM9C is typically supplied complete with a choice of optional mounts to simplify installation; for example the HM-9-401-5 series mount has a self-aligning capability and also offers significant resilience to heavy static or slight dynamic loads. For higher resistance to aggressive substances, the alternative B9C load cell has all the features of the HM9C but offers stainless steel construction.

Variohm EuroSensor offers comprehensive technical sales and application support for Zemic’s wide range of load cells, weighing kits, accessories, and electronics. Zemic also includes load cells with ATEX and SOLAS offshore industry certification. Application customised load cell and mounting accessories are available.

As a distribution partner to leading sensor suppliers and with its own design and manufacturing capability, Variohm’s wide range of position, force, pressure, load, and temperature sensor technologies are used for demanding measurement application solutions in industry, construction, agriculture, motorsports, medical, research and more. For further details call +44 (0)1327 351 004, email sales@variohm.com or visit www.variohm.com


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Variohm Eurosensor Ltd

Variohm EuroSensor is a manufacturer, distributor and supply chain partner providing complete sales and application support across a comprehensive range of position, force, pressure, load, and temperature sensor technologies - for demanding measurement applications across industry, construction, agriculture, motorsports, research and more.

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