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Story Box-ID: 1231033

Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG Drillberg 97980 Bad Mergentheim, Deutschland http://www.wuerth-industrie.com/pressebox
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Pia Schmitt +49 7931 913409

One Touch Supply Chain – Würth Industrie Service at LogiMAT 2025

Halle: 1 / Stand-Nr.: H31

(PresseBox) (Bad Mergentheim/Main-Tauber-Kreis, )

Halle: 1 / Stand-Nr.: H31

Be it procurement, production or material flow: As the leading intralogistics trade fair, LogiMAT 2025 will present the trends that are driving the industry from 11th to 13th March 2025. International exhibitors will present the latest solutions, products and systems for procurement, warehouse, production and distribution logistics to optimise processes, reduce costs and increase productivity. Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG will also be present in Stuttgart and will showcase its comprehensive solutions for supply of production and operating material at its booth H31 in hall 1 – staying true to this year’s motto “One Touch Supply Chain”. The highlight of the trade fair will be the future of supply and how industrial customers can have one system for all parts – for A-, B-, and C-Parts – thanks to CPS®miSELF.

Intralogistics first-hand: The smart connectivity

Digital supply systems of Würth Industrie Service for direct and indirect materials form the basis of manufacturing, materials management, maintenance as well as the assembly workstation of the future – and that while ensuring a secure supply, lean and productive processes in the supply chain, precisely coordinated working environments and connected processes between humans and systems. At the joint trade fair booth of Würth Industrie Service and Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG , the attendees will be able to explore, experience and try out a range of solutions: from RFID Kanban for fully automated replenishment of small parts for production, ORSY®mat storage and vending machines for auxiliary and operating materials, modular storage management CPS®ORSY, to customised workplace solutions, electronic ordering systems or even autonomous robotics solutions with competent partners. Those interested will get an overview of technical application consulting as well as design and development.

CPS®miSELF: One system for all parts

There are often hundreds, even thousands of parts in manufacturing companies that need to be available at the right time, in the right quantity and at the right place. How about a solution that manages the flow of material and information of all the parts centrally? One concept that provides an overview of inventory, goods movements, order status, storage locations as well as suppliers by integrating partner suppliers, while also automatically triggering reordering? Würth Industrie Service is paving the way for the future of supply with CPS®miSELF, the solution for digital supply management. Be it for processes in procurement or intralogistics: Thanks to the combination of tried and tested systems, secure processes and digital management, the web-based platform enables not only the management of C-Parts from the product range of Würth Industrie Service, but also hassle-free management of A- and B-Parts along with other handling parts. And this with a single system for all parts across all the suppliers and storage locations. A wide range of functions like real-time inventory overview of items, movement of goods, suppliers and storage locations, detailed analysis and forecasting of usage as well as automated determination of requirements assure productivity increase in production, intralogistics, materials management, maintenance and procurement.

Material supply to the workstation: ORSY®mat mobil

How would it be to have a mobile vending machine that provides the required materials directly at the workstation? A robot that will bring the vending machine where it is needed? The partners Würth Industrie Service and W. Gessmann GmbH will demonstrate how it will be done in the future at this year’s LogiMAT at the booth of the provider for robotics and system solutions, in hall 8, booth 8D65. The ORSY®mat vending machine is making material supply to the workstation a reality with the GESSbot Gb350, the Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) that automates internal transports quickly and cost-effectively. The special solution by both the partners aims to optimise decentralised material dispensing, offer relief to the employees while also achieving more efficiency, flexibility and security. Thanks to the special sensors that map the surroundings, the robot follows defined routes, arrives at workstations and charging stations and immediately identifies and evades any obstacles in the path. Collaborating with the digital iDISPLAY as well as an in-house software solution of Würth Industrie Service, the mobile GESSbot, along with ORSY®mat, can be navigated from A to B quite easily. For this, each workstation is equipped with an iDISPLAY, which shows the preprogrammed routes that can be selected and requested by the respective employee. The co-worker is always available in a central warehouse. A mobile storage system that can be used where it is required. Absolutely flexible!

Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG will be present at LogiMAT from 11th to 13th March 2025 in Stuttgart in hall 1 at booth H31.

Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG

Within the Würth Group, Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG is responsible for supplying to the industrial sector. Since its foundation in the year 1999, the company is located at the Würth Industrial Park in Bad Mergentheim, Germany with over 1,800 employees. As a one-stop C-Parts provider, the company offers its customers a specialised product range with over 1,400,000 items: from screws and tools to connection and fastening technology, technical chemicals as well as occupational safety solutions. Aside from the extensive standard product range, the strength of the company lies in its customer-specific, logistical and dispositive supply and service concepts as well as special parts. Under the service brand “CPS® – C-Product Service”, the company offers modular solutions customised as per the customer’s requirements. These consumption-based and demand-based systems streamline the processes for purchase, logistics and quality assurance while enabling the procurement of small parts in a cost-optimised manner. Logistic and dispositive services such as shelving systems that use scanners or a just-in-time supply using Kanban bin systems play a significant role in increasing productivity.

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