Kategorie: Alle News

Herrmann Innovation ist nominiert für den KOINNO-Award "Ausgezeichnete Innovation".

KOINNO, das Kompetenzzentrum innovative Beschaffung, ist beauftragt vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK). Die Nominierung spiegelt wieder, wer wir sind: Wir denken in Lösungen Die Natur ist unser Vorbild und Lehrmeister Wir halten durch - "when the going gets tough, the tough get going" Wir achten auf Nachhaltigkeit Wir haben keine Angst, Fehler zu machen - Jeder Fehler bringt uns einen Schritt weiter Wir sind Überzeugungstäter - Wir stehen hinter unseren Produkten

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Swiss cheese fondue

Our team at Vögtlin Instruments is like Swiss cheese fondue - diverse, full of expertise and always ready to connect! ??️ Whether it's Gruyère or Emmental, we melt together to create the best solutions for your gas flow applications. And yes, sometimes it can be a little 'deliciously complex'! ? Like the perfect fondue, we need time, patience and the right ingredients to create something great. We get the flow right - precise and constant. ✅ Let our flow solutions inspire you:

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Get ready for inova2023

Brandenburg Labs is thrilled to be a part of inova2023, which is widely known as "one of the largest career fairs in Central Germany." Our exhibition will take place this week on Wednesday, October 25th, and we can't wait to connect with you at booth number A 20. The event will be held at the Universitätssportzentrum (USZ), Technische Universität Ilmenau.

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Unveiling Data Dreamland: Unlocking Cost-Efficient Data Solutions and Network with Experts - Limited Tickets Left!

Attention! Don't miss the incredible opportunity to join us at Data Dreamland on Oct. 10-11. Our conference is dedicated to cost-efficient data solutions, and we invite you to network with industry experts, while discovering innovative strategies to optimize resources. Secure your spot today for networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities. Last call for tickets! Follow the Link to get your Ticket and learn more about Data Dreamland!

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Data Vault 2.0 Boot Camp and Certification - Brussles August 07 - 09

We're excited to invite you to our Boot Camp happening in Brussels from August 7-9. This one's perfect for Project Managers, IT Implementers, Data Architects and anyone who wants to become a pro at using Data Vault. The course is designed by the very inventor of Data Vault himself - Dan Linstedt! So if you sign up now, get ready for some amazing insights and best practices on how to implement it effectively. Plus, once done with the training program you'll receive an official certificate.

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Logo der Firma Vergabe24 GmbH
Vergabe24 GmbH

Verleihung des 5. Deutschen TGA-Award in Hamburg

Premiere in Hamburg: Zum ersten Mal wurde der renommierte Deutsche TGA-Award auf der GET Nord 2022, der Fachmesse für Elektro, Sanitär, Heizung und Klima, verliehen. Am 17. November 2022 trafen sich auf dem Hamburger Messegelände die Vertreter der HUSS Medien GmbH, die Gewinner, Jury, Laudatoren und Sponsoren. Ausgezeichnet wurden Projekte, die besonders energie- und/oder wassersparend. Vergabe24 als Sponsor sagt „Herzlichen Glückwunsch“ und gratuliert den diesjährigen Preisträgern.

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Logo der Firma hofer powertrain
hofer powertrain

The new SPEED Magazine is out now!

hofer powertrain has released its latest SPEED Magazine – an annual collection of all news on powertrain development, including the latest eDrive solutions, the most advanced technologies for unprecedented efficiency increases, cost reductions, higher driving ranges, and compact, high-performance designs. With its strong expertise reaching back to 1980, hofer powertrain carries eMobility in its DNA, realizing powertrains of the future today. Get your copy for free.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

If Kimberly is your name, .kim is your domain!

We are pleased to introduce a new Top Level Domain just for Kims: .KIM. Now you can get yourname.KIM as a website and email address. Business owners and individuals worldwide prefer to use their own name in their Internet address. If your name is KIM, this has been very difficult, as all the "KIM" names in .com were already taken years ago. KIM is one of the most popular surnames in the world, with 100M Koreans named Kim.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

If Kim is your name, .kim is your domain!

We are pleased to introduce a new Top Level Domain just for Kims: .KIM. Now you can get yourname.KIM as a website and email address. Business owners and individuals worldwide prefer to use their own name in their Internet address. If your name is KIM, this has been very difficult, as all the "KIM" names in .com were already taken years ago. KIM is one of the most popular surnames in the world, with 100M Koreans named Kim.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

If Li or Lee is your name, .li is your domain

If your name is Li or Lee, you may get your own You may get an e-mail address like Li is one of the most popular last names in China, so if you are a Li or Lee, then the li-Domain is the perfect personal domain for your personal website, blog, or email address. You can use your li-Domain as a web address for a space to share family photos and milestones with family and friends all over the world.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH


Your domain name needs a .Makeup makeover. Makeover your domain name for your most brand presence. The Makeup-Domain makes your domain name as flawless as your brand. Made especially for cosmetics brands, professionals, influencers and fans, .Makeup establishes you as a cosmetics industry leader. Get a Makeup-Domain to show your audience that you have the solution to their makeup needs. (German)

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How much does an LMS cost?

Why good planning saves time and money when investing in a learning management system - Who actually needs a learning management system (LMS)? What should you consider in your planning? Above all: How much does an LMS cost? It is questions like these that many decision-makers are looking at when seeking to professionalise and digitise learning in their company. That is reason enough to get to the bottom of it all.

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10 SEO tips for online shops

The higher your online shop ranks in search engines, the more potential customers it gets. Of course, there is the possibility of displaying your website in the paid search but it might cost you a lot, especially with highly competitive keywords. That is why in order to get continuous organic traffic, you have to work on your search engine optimization to have your domain in the top 10 of Google, Bing and Co. for as many relevant keywords as possible.

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Let´s get connected! REIFF Expert Talk Klebtechnik

Herzliche Einladung zu unserem zweiten REIFF Expert Talk. In unserer neuen Online Experten Reihe widmen wir uns ab sofort regelmäßig Ihren offenen Fragen. Gemeinsam mit unserem Kooperationspartner Henkel sind wir bereits Ende September in die erfolgreiche erste Runde gestartet. Thema unserer Talks: Alles was Ihnen rund um die Welt des Klebens auf dem Herzen liegt. Unser Klebstoffexperte Andreas Fritz und Natalie Hibst von Henkel freuen sich auf den Austausch mit Ihnen.

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Logo der Firma SGB-SMIT GmbH

Performance peaks with a difference: SGB Regensburg employees in Alpine heights

How do you recognize that a team works particularly well together? Of course, by the fact that the employees get along well even when they leave the factory gate after work. For this reason, we in the SGB-SMIT Group expressly welcome employees meeting in their free time - especially when it is a sporting event. Such as the ski trip of a number of colleagues at SGB Regensburg last winter.

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Logo der Firma TesT GmbH
TesT GmbH

TesT is there for you in - also in 2020

The following also applies now, in the year of crises: TesT is there for you. In order to get through these extraordinary times in good health and to find the best possible solutions for customers and employees, TesT GmbH is currently organising its operations in flexible models. For you, this means: TesT continues to support you with your requests as usual. So, please feel free to contact us – and above all: Stay healthy!

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

Bond-Domains: If your name is Bond, .bond is your domain!

If your name is e.g. Susan Bond, you may get now a domain name like, which is reflecting 1:1 your name at the web. If you register a .bond domain, you may also get a corresponding e-mail address: e.g. The children of Susan Bond could use e-mail addresses like:, You may also get free subdomains like: You may also get free subdomains.

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