Kategorie: Alle News

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Secura GmbH

Software-Domain - the ultimative address for software

Software forms the building blocks of the world. We see Software-Domains at the forefront in this next stage of the revolution. It will be the place online that unifies this disparate group of technologically connected engineers, developers, retailers and purchasers. That brings them together as a profession, as a group of creatives, as visionaries. Setting them apart within their individual professions and as members of one of the most integral sectors that exists today, and into the future.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

Wenn Sie Kim heißen, dann registrieren Sie Ihren Name unter der Kim-Domain!

We are pleased to introduce a new Top Level Domain just for Kims: .KIM. Now you can get yourname.KIM as a website and email address because ICANN has just approved the availability of Kim-Domains for everyone! Business owners and individuals worldwide prefer to use their own name in their Internet address. If your name is KIM, this has been very difficult, as all the "KIM" names in .com were already taken years ago. KIM is one of the most popular surnames in the world.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

If Lee or Li is your name, .li is your domain!

We are pleased to introduce a new Top Level Domain just for Lis or Lees: .li. Li is also one of the most popular last names in China, so if you are a Li or Lee, then .Li is the perfect personal domain for your personal website, blog, or email address. You can use your .Li as a space to share family photos or updates and milestones with family and friends all over the world. If your business's brand includes "Li" then you will benefit from a short, intuitive .Li domain name when advertising

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

Short Survey about the Registration of UK-Domains

The first, and most critical, step for registering your domain name is choosing the right one. The perfect domain name is memorable, unique, easy to spell, and will rank high in searches. Here's what to do. 1. Keep it simple. The shortest and most direct domain name is always the best. You'll have to get creative to find it, though, because almost every single word in English is gone. Most of the best domain names being registered today are a company name, a person's name, or consist of 2 wor

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Historical Optimization - alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen oder Qualität durch Reifung?

„But the broad opportunities for most companies involve supplying information or entertainment. No company is too small to participate.“ [„Die meisten Unternehmen verfügen über Informationen oder Unterhaltung, die bereitgestellt werden können. Kein Unternehmen ist zu klein, um daran teilzunehmen.“] Das Zitat aus einem Artikel des Management-Genies Bill Gates, unter der Überschrift „Content is King“, hat seit seiner Veröffentlichung im Januar 1996 nicht an Bedeutung verloren.

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