Kategorie: Alle News

Resource-Recycling (Label to Label) Shrink Sleeve Label Adopted for the first time in Japan

itsubishi Chemical Holdings Group (MCHG) hereby announces that it has developed a resource-recycling (Label to Label) shrink sleeve label via material recycling through a joint demonstration project with Fuji Seal, Inc. (Fuji Seal: Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Kosuke Matsuzaki), which will make shrink sleeve labels for plastic bottles recyclable.

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Logo der Firma aquatherm GmbH
aquatherm GmbH

The influence of the construction industry on global energy consumption

According to the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, the construction industry is responsible for 39% of energy and process-related CO2 emissions (as of 2021). A considerable share. At the same time, the figure makes it clear that the construction industry has great potential in terms of climate and environmental protection. But it needs innovative solutions that reduce energy consumption.

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aquatherm GmbH

Prefabrication on the construction site saves time and money

Shorter installation times, conservation of resources, and compensation for the shortage of skilled workers: the trend towards prefabricated piping systems, manifolds, and special components is emerging in modern pipeline construction. After all, prefabrication offers many different advantages in the sanitary, heating, and air-conditioning sector. We will introduce you to some of the advantages and provide information on practical examples of aquatherm installations.

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NCP blog article: NCP Talk with Erica, Systems Engineer at NCP

Erica got her master’s in Simulation Sciences at RWTH University in Aachen in April 2020. Shortly thereafter, she started her job as Systems Engineer at NCP in June 2020. Here she has taken on many different technical roles and has shown mastery of the German and English languages, by helping bridge the gaps between customers and NCP using both. Outside of work she enjoys spending time in nature and taking on new experiences, whether that be by traveling or simply just trying something new.

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Pitch Club Köln 2022 Accso 23.6.2022, ab 17 Uhr - @juergenartmann on stage

It´s time for @pitch_club! // Join our pitch! #juergenartmann on stage. Wir Accsonaut:innen pitchen unsere #Projekte und #Jobs, in #Köln, am 23. Juni 2022, ab 17 Uhr. In anschließenden 1-on-1 Gesprächen klären wir alle offenen Fragen. Wir sind digitale Maßschneider und machen Software für eine bessere Welt. Kommt in unser Team. Bewerbung direkt Vorort. Oder auf unserer Homepage: https://accso.de/jobs/

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Fasen von Stahl - Chamfering steel

Anfasen von Stahl unter Verwendung von 2 verschiedenen Fräsringen für Stahl: 1. Teil: Fräsring für Stahl, 125mm, 56 Zähne 2. Teil: Fräsring für Stahl, 125mm, 100 Zähne Erstmals verwendete Maschine: TopCat 400RA 5M2R K mit 2200 u/min -- Chamfering of steel using 2 different milling discs for steel: 1. part: milling disc for steel, 125mm, 56 teeth 2nd part: milling disc for steel, 125mm, 100 teeth Machine used for the first time: TopCat 400RA 5M2R K with 2200 rpm

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NCP Blog article: How companies should plan their VPN strategy

Remote work via secure VPN access is more important than ever. New technologies, increasing networking and flexible working models are changing the way we work. Companies that need to ensure business continuity are also at risk due to external circumstances such as severe weather or pandemics. There is no better time than now for companies to rethink their VPN strategy.

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Mobile Instandhaltung und digitale Prozesse im Tagebau

Unser Kunde MIBRAG, die Mitteldeutsche Braunkohlengesellschaft präsentierte die erfolgreich implementierten digitalen Lösungen im Rahmen der Instandhaltungstage des Arbeitskreises Nord Anfang 2020 in Bonn. Ein moderner Tagebau arbeitet just-in-time. Um Versorgungssicherheit zu gewährleisten und teure Ausfallzeiten zu vermeiden, wurde ein digital gesteuertes mobiles Instandhaltungsmanagement installiert.

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Das Smartphone als Werkzeugkasten: 5 praktische Apps für Heimwerker

Lange bevor Do-it-yourself oder Heimwerken zum Megatrend erhoben wurde, verkörperte Tim Allen den Handwerkerkönig Tim Taylor. Dieser moderiert die Heimwerkersendung „Tool Time“. Dabei scheitert er meist grandios an seinen Moderationen und seine Tipps sind aus handwerklicher Sicht zumindest fragwürdig. An Hilfe via Smartphone oder an spezielle Apps für Heimwerker ist in den Neunzigern aber noch lange nicht zu denken.

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Rechenservices für Vertriebsprozesse: Wie Finanzdienstleister mit einheitlicher, wiederverwendbarer Businesslogik IT-Aufwände, Abhängigkeiten und die Time to Market reduzieren

Steuerliche & sozialversicherungsrechtliche Rechenfunktionen sind aus Vertriebssystemen von Finanzdienstleistern nicht mehr wegzudenken. Der Einsatz einer zentralen, wiederverwendbaren Businesslogik in Form von Rechenservices kann helfen, interne Aufwände zu senken und neue Anwendungen einfacher und schneller umzusetzen. Lesen Sie in diesem Whitepaper, wo mögliche Optimierungspotenziale für IT & Fachbereiche liegen und wie ein Zielszenario mit Einsatz zentraler Rechenservices aussehen könnte.

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Logo der Firma Traxpay GmbH
Traxpay GmbH


Working only to earn money was yesterday. Today, working to find personal fulfillment is the more important goal. How would it be if you could go to work every day and feel a real sense of accomplishment? What if your job fulfilled you completely, and even made you really happy? That's exactly what happens when you align your personal life goals the "big five" with your work, just like Tanya Söllner, Marketing Manager at F

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Traxpay GmbH

Traxpay Take Aways of EBA Open Forum on Digital Transformation

Examining the various facets of Sustainability and ESG - A new horizon in Banking and Finance? The EBA hosted the Forum for Digital Transformation Forum, this time with a focus on the various facets of sustainability and ESG in banking and finance. Both technologies such as Blockchain and AI as well mindset, training and regulation were examined. Traxpay invited the more than 135 people registered to join their panel: "Connecting corporates and banks: Platforms as an enabler for Sustainability

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Traxpay GmbH


FACTORING 4.0 – CyberCrime – Legal Aspects – Regulatory Road Map At the Factoring Congress 2022, experts will be connected, industry know-how will be bundled and all participants will be given a relaxed setting to discuss current topics and solutions together, to initiate partnerships and to talk about real innovations in the industry and the global challenges facing the financial industry. Markus Rupprecht, CEO Traxpay, talks about creating resilience in su

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How much does an LMS cost?

Why good planning saves time and money when investing in a learning management system - Who actually needs a learning management system (LMS)? What should you consider in your planning? Above all: How much does an LMS cost? It is questions like these that many decision-makers are looking at when seeking to professionalise and digitise learning in their company. That is reason enough to get to the bottom of it all.

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Six vital modules for every digital onboarding concept

A blueprint for efficient onboarding with lasting impact Different companies have different requirements for their onboarding process. They might want to use modular and future-proof concepts, achieve cost and time savings compared to current approaches, or enable employees to start working sooner. Moreover, the pandemic has accelerated the need for digital onboarding as face-to-face training has not been possible. Despite the pandemic introducing more relaxed, remote working arrangements, hybri

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Webinar Mit Echtzeitlokalisierung zur smarten Fabrik

Die SALT AND PEPPER Consulting startet am 28. Januar ab 10 Uhr das kostenfreie Webinar „Best Practices - Wie Echtzeitlokalisierung die Lücke zur smarten Fabrik schließt“. Die einstündige Veranstaltung zeigt, welche Effizienzsteigerungen Real Time Locating Systeme (RTLS) erreichen und vermittelt den Teilnehmenden dazu ein Grundlagenverständnis. Benjamin Fieger, langjähriger RTLS-Experte, wird...

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Logo der Firma Traxpay GmbH
Traxpay GmbH


Working only to earn money was yesterday. Today, working to find personal fulfillment is the more important goal. How would it be if you could go to work every day and feel a real sense of accomplishment? What if your job fulfilled you completely, and even made you really happy? That's exactly what happens when you align your personal life goals the "big five" with your work, just like Roland Fitterer, Director Operations at Traxpay GmbH.

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Logo der Firma Traxpay GmbH
Traxpay GmbH

Traxpay first Time: Frankfurt Digital Finance 2022!

TRAXPAY PROGRAMM: BANK(ING) TRANSFORMATION IN THE EYE OF MEGATRENDS Kate Pohl, Head of Banking & Partner Strategy and Execution of Traxpay on stage with Dr. Markus Pertlwieser, CEO from Penta, Dr. Sebastian Schäfer, Managing Director and Co-Founder, TechQuartier, Prof. Dr. Andreas Hackethal, Professor of Finance, SAFE Leibniz Institute and CFS Goethe University such as Alex Manson, SC Ventures at Standard Chartered over „Bank(ing) Transformation in the eye of megatrends“.

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