Kategorie: Alle News

Logo der Firma ApoRisk GmbH
ApoRisk GmbH

Wenn der Apothekenbetrieb still steht: Bewältigung von Betriebsunterbrechungen

In der Welt der Apothekenbetriebe ist Stillstand ein Luxus, den sich niemand leisten kann. Betriebsunterbrechungen stellen eine schwerwiegende Belastung dar, die nicht nur finanzielle Verluste, sondern auch einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss auf die Gesundheitsversorgung der Gemeinschaft haben können. Ein Schaden, sei es durch Naturkatastrophen wie Hochwasser oder Brände, technische Ausfälle oder sogar Cyber-Risiken, kann den reibungslosen Betrieb einer Apotheke empfindlich stören.

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Logo der Firma promeos GmbH
promeos GmbH

Helping to shape the future: promeos@VDMA “Product Carbon Footprint” project group

More and more products are adorning themselves with the attribute “CO2-neutral” and more and more companies are also communicating targets by when they want to become CO2-neutral. The goal of CO2-neutral production is also being pursued in (special) mechanical engineering. However, the balancing of a well-founded “product carbon footprint” in this sector is still in its infancy. For this reason, the VDMA has launched the project “Calculation of the Product Carbon Footprint in Mechanical and Plan

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TOPTICA Photonics update

Subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter! Read today: Still problems with phototoxicity and photodamage? Multiphoton microscopy and especially live-cell imaging is still limited by photodamage and phototoxicity at higher power levels. But there is a solution to this problem and you can also significantly reduce costs. TOPTICA: High-end laser systems for your scientific or industrial application.

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NCP blog article: My mobile working life: It’s a shame the fun has come to an end

When a new virus started to change the whole world, anyone who could worked from home. Everyone had to protect themselves and most people wanted to, especially as the disease was still largely unknown. We knew it was contagious. Contacts had to be avoided. At the time, the IT departments that were preparing for endpoint security and business continuity were able to scale quickly – all went well. My home office was up and running! In that respect, the virus looked stupid...

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NCP blog article: How secure is your software supply chain?

Software supply chains have become a dangerous vulnerability in organizations and may allow attackers to penetrate internal networks. Although the risk is high, organizations can still take action to protect themselves and prevent attacks through this supply chain vulnerability.The days when small teams or freelancers were able to develop an application and bring it to market are long gone. Instead, programmers today often rely on external frameworks, libraries, and other components...

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NCP blog article: Endpoint security: An important topic in hybrid work environments

The global pandemic has finally turned the world of workupside down. Many offices where employees used to perform the majority of their work are now vacant. Today, most people are either working from home or doing so remotely. Even though at the current moment the coronavirus is perceived as a lower risk by many, companies are still being cautious. Many have also now also recognized the advantages of remote working models.

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Logo der Firma Cosys Ident GmbH
Cosys Ident GmbH

Inventur zum Jahresende mit COSYS Inventursoftware beschleunigen

Das Jahresende rückt immer mehr in Sicht und es wird bei vielen Unternehmen Zeit, die jährliche Inventur zu planen. Je nach Betrieb steht dann das Lager mehrere Tage still, Kunden und Lieferanten können nicht bedient werden. Bei der Inventur hilft Ihnen die COSYS Inventursoftware. Mit der Inventursoftware erfassen Sie Ihre Bestände durch Barcodes mit MDE Geräten und vermeiden so doppelte Zählungen und Zählfehler.

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Logo der Firma b-imtec GmbH
b-imtec GmbH

Wie in TARGIT mit Open-Data und Karten spannende Geschichten entstehen

Der blaue Planet. Unsere Heimat. Ein schöner Ort, der still und friedlich an dritter Stelle in unserem Sonnensystem durch‘s All treibt. Keine Angst, dies wird kein „Save the Planet“-Beitrag. Gleichwohl unser Planet doch sehr schützenswert ist, wird dieser Beitrag ein kurzer Ausflug in die spannenden neuen Karten-Funktionen von TARGIT, die im diesjährigen Visualization Contest im Mittelpunkt standen. Und ja, wir waren ebenfalls mit von der Partie.

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Logo der Firma b-imtec GmbH
b-imtec GmbH

Wie in TARGIT mit Open-Data und Karten spannende Geschichten entstehen

Am Anfang war … Der blaue Planet. Unsere Heimat. Ein schöner Ort, der still und friedlich an dritter Stelle in unserem Sonnensystem durch‘s All treibt. Keine Angst, dies wird kein „Save the Planet“-Beitrag. Gleichwohl unser Planet doch sehr schützenswert ist, wird dieser Beitrag ein kurzer Ausflug in die spannenden neuen Karten-Funktionen von TARGIT, die im diesjährigen Visualization Contest im Mittelpunkt standen. Und ja, wir waren ebenfalls mit von der Partie.

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An anniversary is coming up – Gefell`s M 92 mic family celebrates its 30th anniversary next year

The studio mic M 92.1 S and its switchable version UM 92.1 S are tube classics with the legendary Neumann M7 capsule, with a unique, warm sound, typical of tube mics, which is particularly favoured by singers and soloists. The pressure gradient transducer features a hand-made dual-membrane, gold evaporated PVC capsule that is still in Gefell, following the 90-year tradition. It is the choice for those that want the true full sound with the added benefit of improved reliability and lower noise

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Forever Young - MTG - Vintage Microphone CMV 563 - M 7 S

The CMV 563 (CMV = Condenser Microphone Amplifier) came onto the market in 1956 and was manufactured until 1972 by the limited partnership Georg Neumann & Co., today Microtech Gefell GmbH / MTG. As the highlight of the Thuringian microphone manufacturing company, it still sets the studio standard today. Even today, after more than 60 years, the microphone classic made of Gefell in combination with the legendary M 7 capsule continues to enjoy undiminished demand.

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