Kategorie: Alle News

Ultrafast THz multilayer thickness imaging

Together with our collaboration partner, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM), we have published a new paper on terahertz imaging: We demonstrate that layer thicknesses in the range of 20-120 µm can be measured and evaluated at a pixel rate of 1600 Hz. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the fastest terahertz-based multi-layer measurement performed to-date.

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Logo der Firma Traxpay GmbH
Traxpay GmbH


FACTORING 4.0 – CyberCrime – Legal Aspects – Regulatory Road Map At the Factoring Congress 2022, experts will be connected, industry know-how will be bundled and all participants will be given a relaxed setting to discuss current topics and solutions together, to initiate partnerships and to talk about real innovations in the industry and the global challenges facing the financial industry. Markus Rupprecht, CEO Traxpay, talks about creating resilience in su

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„Use-of-Proceeds“-Ansatz für Verbriefungen von EZB unterstützt

Die Europäische Zentralbank hat heute ihre Stellungnahme zum Entwurf des EU Green Bond (EuGB)-Standard veröffentlicht, den die Europäische Kommission Anfang Juli 2021 vorgestellt hatte (siehe Artikel TSI Kompakt 6. Juli 2021). Darin unterstützt die EZB den „Use-of-Proceeds“-Ansatz für Verbriefungen. Der EU Green Bond (EuGB)-Standard Zur Erinnerung:

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Logo der Firma Traxpay GmbH
Traxpay GmbH


Miriam Wohlfarth was a guest on the “Digital Dump” podcast. The current episode #29 about Miriam Wohlfarth and her path to becoming a serial entrepreneur. The founder of Ratepay and Banxware was very open and candid in her interview with Kate Pohl, Head of Banking and Partner Strategy at Traxpay GmbH. Together with Steven Batiste, CTO of TIS, Kate does an episode every week on the “Digital Dump” podcast series.

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tmt31 - TONMEISTERTAGUNG 2021 – Microtech Gefell at the highly professional convention for international pro-audio developments in science and practice in Düsseldorf

From 03.-06.11.2021, the industry could finally come together again after a long Corona-break. The tmt, hosted by the VDT (Verband Deutscher Tonmeister/Association of German Sound Engineers), presented high-end pro audio developments from all areas. The VDT is a world leading and one of the oldest and biggest pro-audio associations. MTG was delighted with the numerous standvisitors and the opportunity to actively share experiences with users, scientists, manufacturers and suppliers.

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Logo der Firma SGB-SMIT GmbH

Performance peaks with a difference: SGB Regensburg employees in Alpine heights

How do you recognize that a team works particularly well together? Of course, by the fact that the employees get along well even when they leave the factory gate after work. For this reason, we in the SGB-SMIT Group expressly welcome employees meeting in their free time - especially when it is a sporting event. Such as the ski trip of a number of colleagues at SGB Regensburg last winter.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

Bond-Domains: If your name is Bond, .bond is your domain!

If your name is e.g. Susan Bond, you may get now a domain name like, which is reflecting 1:1 your name at the web. If you register a .bond domain, you may also get a corresponding e-mail address: e.g. The children of Susan Bond could use e-mail addresses like:, You may also get free subdomains like: You may also get free subdomains.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

Software-Domain - the ultimative address for software

Software forms the building blocks of the world. We see Software-Domains at the forefront in this next stage of the revolution. It will be the place online that unifies this disparate group of technologically connected engineers, developers, retailers and purchasers. That brings them together as a profession, as a group of creatives, as visionaries. Setting them apart within their individual professions and as members of one of the most integral sectors that exists today, and into the future.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

Mein Name ist .Bond ....

Der nächste .Bond kommt! Wer ein Fan von James Bond ist, hat die Domain der ersten Wahl hiermit gefunden: die Bond-Domain. Alle Bond-Domains wie z.B., und sind noch zu haben. Sie gehören zur Finanzindustrie und bieten Bonds an: Sie sind hier auch goldrichtig. Nichts verkauft Bonds besser als eine Bond-Domain. Die Sunrise-Period der Bond-Domains beginnt am 17.Oktober und endet am 17. November. Wer in der Sunrise Period registrieren will, muß eine

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