Kategorie: Alle News

New ranking for innovative companies in Germany

The TÖNNJES INTERNATIONAL GROUP has established itself as one of the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany, according to a study by Stern magazine. The magazine, which evaluates registered patents as a measure of innovative strength, highlights the company's achievements in innovation and technological development. As a leading provider of secure vehicle identification systems, TÖNNJES has achieved outstanding results and has landed in the top 30.

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Beim MOST Projektmeeting am 22.04.2024 in Barcelona wurden letzte Entscheidungen für den weltweit ersten Prototyp eines vollständigen MOST-Systems festgelegt.

Das MOST-System, bestehend aus Hybridkollektor, Speichern, Heat Release Device und Verbraucher wird bald auf dem Versuchsdach der Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona in Betrieb gehen. Details zur Trägersubstanz, zum MOST Molekül, zu Betriebsmodi u. zum Heat Release Device wurden abgestimmt. Mehr Infos auf der CAE-Internetseite!

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Ein Hybridkollektor geht auf Reisen

In dem EU-Projekt MOST hat das CAE die Aufgabe, einen speziellen Hybridsolarkollektor zu entwickeln, der deutlich von den an handelsüblichen thermischen Solarkollektoren gestellten Anforderungen abweicht. Zu Funktionstests wurde nun der Hybridkollektor zu unserem Projektpartner nach Barcelona an die Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) verschickt. Hier wird der Hybridkollektor in ein Gesamtsystem integriert. Dies ist weltweit die erste Installation dieser Art.

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Neues Konzept für Langzeit-Energiespeicherung

In dem EU-Projekt MOST hat das CAE die Aufgabe, einen speziellen Hybridsolarkollektor zu entwickeln, der deutlich von den an handelsüblichen Kollektoren gestellten Anforderungen abweicht. Ein Teil des UV-Anteils des Solarspektrums wird in Molekülen gespeichert, die selber Teil einer transparenten Flüssigkeit sind. Die Flüssigkeit wird durch die Abdeckung eines Solarkollektors gepumpt, der verbeilebenden Spektrum optimal nutzt.

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Logo der Firma hofer powertrain
hofer powertrain

The new SPEED Magazine is out now!

hofer powertrain has released its latest SPEED Magazine – an annual collection of all news on powertrain development, including the latest eDrive solutions, the most advanced technologies for unprecedented efficiency increases, cost reductions, higher driving ranges, and compact, high-performance designs. With its strong expertise reaching back to 1980, hofer powertrain carries eMobility in its DNA, realizing powertrains of the future today. Get your copy for free.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

If Kimberly is your name, .kim is your domain!

We are pleased to introduce a new Top Level Domain just for Kims: .KIM. Now you can get yourname.KIM as a website and email address. Business owners and individuals worldwide prefer to use their own name in their Internet address. If your name is KIM, this has been very difficult, as all the "KIM" names in .com were already taken years ago. KIM is one of the most popular surnames in the world, with 100M Koreans named Kim. https://www.domainregistry.de/kim-domain.html

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

If Kim is your name, .kim is your domain!

We are pleased to introduce a new Top Level Domain just for Kims: .KIM. Now you can get yourname.KIM as a website and email address. Business owners and individuals worldwide prefer to use their own name in their Internet address. If your name is KIM, this has been very difficult, as all the "KIM" names in .com were already taken years ago. KIM is one of the most popular surnames in the world, with 100M Koreans named Kim. https://www.domainregistry.de/kim-domains.html

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

If Li or Lee is your name, .li is your domain

If your name is Li or Lee, you may get your own domain:firstname.li. You may get an e-mail address like contact@john.li. Li is one of the most popular last names in China, so if you are a Li or Lee, then the li-Domain is the perfect personal domain for your personal website, blog, or email address. You can use your li-Domain as a web address for a space to share family photos and milestones with family and friends all over the world.

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d·flux can do it! Integrated Flow Conditioning!

Most flow meter suppliers recommend 10 to 40 x pipe diameter straight length piping before the inlet. No obstructions allowed! The Vögtlin d·flux multi-parameter mass flow meters do not need this. Due to the built-in flow conditioner, you can build 2 elbows in 2 different places directly in front of the d·flux without influencing the accuracy. Features: • Elbows/bends upstream of the instrument? Not a problem! • Advanced design removes any flow turbulence! • Space saving – no straight inlet

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Logo der Firma rexx systems GmbH
rexx systems GmbH

The Most Wanted: So viele offene Stellen in Deutschland wie noch nie

1,74 Millionen offene Stellen in ganz Deutschland – das ist die alarmierende Bilanz einer aktuellen Befragung des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) Nürnberg. Das sind über die Hälfte mehr als noch vor einem Jahr. Doch längst sprechen wir nicht mehr „nur“ von einem Fachkräftemangel – ein allgemeiner Arbeitskräftemangel hat das Land erfasst.

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NCP blog article: My mobile working life: It’s a shame the fun has come to an end

When a new virus started to change the whole world, anyone who could worked from home. Everyone had to protect themselves and most people wanted to, especially as the disease was still largely unknown. We knew it was contagious. Contacts had to be avoided. At the time, the IT departments that were preparing for endpoint security and business continuity were able to scale quickly – all went well. My home office was up and running! In that respect, the virus looked stupid...

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MTG NEWS - IBC2022 - The world’s most inspiring content and technology event with exhibitors and visitors from more than 170 nations

IBC’s vision is to empower content everywhere. Since 1967, IBC draws together the global media, entertainment and technology industry for a compelling live experience that enables every attendee to share expertise and unlock business opportunities. For MTG the IBC 2022 is therefore an ideal opportunity to discuss current projects as well as to present innovations, such as the M 300 series with the new M 330. IBC2022 AT THE RAI AMSTERDAM - 9-12.09.2022 Hall 8- 8.A48/ Microtech Gefell

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BAYERNS BEST 50: STW is among the most successful companies in Bavaria

Sensor-Technik Wiedemann (STW) has again been recognized as one of the strongest and fastest growing “Mittelstand”-companies in Bavaria. On July 26, the Minister of Economic Affairs, Hubert Aiwanger, personally presented the "BAYERNS BEST 50" award to Sonja Wiedemann, majority shareholder and managing director, and Florian Huber, chief technical officer at the Kaufbeuren based company. Read more about the award ceremony here:

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NCP blog article: Endpoint security: An important topic in hybrid work environments

The global pandemic has finally turned the world of workupside down. Many offices where employees used to perform the majority of their work are now vacant. Today, most people are either working from home or doing so remotely. Even though at the current moment the coronavirus is perceived as a lower risk by many, companies are still being cautious. Many have also now also recognized the advantages of remote working models.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH


Your domain name needs a .Makeup makeover. Makeover your domain name for your most brand presence. The Makeup-Domain makes your domain name as flawless as your brand. Made especially for cosmetics brands, professionals, influencers and fans, .Makeup establishes you as a cosmetics industry leader. Get a Makeup-Domain to show your audience that you have the solution to their makeup needs. https://www.domainregistry.de/makeup-domain.html https://www.domainregistry.de/makeup-domains.html (German)

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Logo der Firma aquatherm GmbH
aquatherm GmbH

aquatherm: production of a giant

From the width of a finger to the circumference of a children's slide: aquatherm offers pipe systems in a wide range of different sizes. Our most impressive pipe has a diameter of 630 mm and was recently manufactured in our pipe extrusion plant in Attendorn. Within our pictures we would like to offer a small insight into the manufacturing process. Areas of application for our XXL dimensions are the sanitary and heating sector as well as air conditioning and systems engineering in large projects.

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Removing a transport securing element by milling

Location-independent removal and repair of components - possible with the milling discsfrom Maija! Taking into account the recommended speed - here 1,250 rpm - this work can be carried out without sparks on most materials. The linked video shows the removal of a transport securing element by milling and was carried out and filmed by a customer. Material: S690 Milling disc: SWÖ "Doubleworker RS" 125mm steel - 10mm thick - 85 teeth Machine: FerrumMaster DY125 - 1.250 rpm

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