Kategorie: Alle News

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Investieren Sie jetzt in saubere Luft

Wir müssten den Coronaviren fast dankbar sein, dass sie uns auf das aufmerksam gemacht haben, was wir einatmen und was vor allem an respiratorischen Viren in der Raumluft schwebt, so Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen kürzlich bei der Indoor Air. Viren- und feinstaubfreie Raumluft ist kein Luxus und kein Pillepalle. Schlechte Luft in Deutschlands Büros und Theatern, Meetingräumen, Sportstudios und Logistikzentren muss nicht sein. Wir haben etwas gegen schlechte Luft. Was? Luftreiniger.

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Microtech Gefell`s one for all solution – The linearray system KEM 975 for parliaments, concert, opera, studio, conferences and more

News from the highest authority –the German parliament – are been announced since the opening of the Bundestag in Berlin via the Linearray-Microphonsystem KEM. Today the new KEM 975 is used not only in many state parliaments and abroad. The advantage for speakers, presenters or musicians and singers is the non-rotationally symmetric directional distribution, which provides a maximum freedom of movement and an extreme suppression of disturbing noise.

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Intelligente Flash und Testlösung für anspruchsvolle ADAS Anwendungen

Automobilfirmen stehen heute vor steigenden Test und Programmierherausforderungen, die durch die Entstehung neuer Technologien wie intelligente Fahrzeuge und halb- oder voll autonome Fahrzeuge, verstärkt werden. ProMik verfügt über jahrelange Branchenerfahrung und hervorrgagendes Know-how im Bereich der ADAS Anwendungen. Von der Entwicklung bis hin zur Produktion: Unsere Flash und Testlösungen sind optimal auf Ihre Anforderungen abgestimmt und stehen in Sachen Skalierbarkeit, Sicherheit, ...

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An anniversary is coming up – Gefell`s M 92 mic family celebrates its 30th anniversary next year

The studio mic M 92.1 S and its switchable version UM 92.1 S are tube classics with the legendary Neumann M7 capsule, with a unique, warm sound, typical of tube mics, which is particularly favoured by singers and soloists. The pressure gradient transducer features a hand-made dual-membrane, gold evaporated PVC capsule that is still in Gefell, following the 90-year tradition. It is the choice for those that want the true full sound with the added benefit of improved reliability and lower noise

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Gefell`s M 990 a "heartbreaker" – A combination of modern capsule technology with the warm, full sound with silky highs typical of tube mics

Handmade in Gefell - That´s what makes the difference - The price/performance-optimised High-End Mic M 990 in tube technology Along with Gefell´s UM 92.1 S, M 921. S, UM 900 and CMV 563/ M 7s, the M 990 is a tube classic microphone with M 930 capsule. It combines modern large membrane capsule technology with the typical full-bodied sound and silky smooth highs of tube microphones that are preferred by vocalists and soloists

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eMMC High Speed In-System-Programmierung von ProMik

In-System Programmierung für eMMCs von Hynix, Kingston, Micron, Samsung, Sandisk and Toshiba. ProMik unterstützt die On-Board Programmierung für eMMCs mit hoher Speicherdichte unter der Berücksichtigung des JEDEC Standards. Mit ProMik's innovativer Technologie sind stabile Datenübtragungsraten von bis zu 80MB/s ohne weiteres möglich.

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M 900 - The unique microphone solution for music professionals - Ideal for broadcast, stage, instrument recording and soloists

The cardioid condenser mic M 900 and its hypercardioid cousin M 910 have been developed for recording instrumental and vocal soloists in the professional field. The futuristically styled mics are great sounding high-end microphones - super clean, clear, smooth and ideal for both studio recording of instruments and soloists as well as for broadcast and stage use. This is also appreciated by well-known musicians such as Kathy Kelly. She uses the M 900 soloist mic mainly for her live streams.

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Lösung: Device Upgrades entgegen den aktuellen Halbleiter Engpässen

ProMik unterstützt seine Kunden mit schnellen & kostengünstigen Device Upgrades innerhalb der Device Familie Auf Grund der anhaltenden anspannenden Lage bei der Herstellung von Halbleitern, geht ProMik den Weg mit seinen Kunden mit. Um kurzfristig Produktions Engpässen entgegen zu wirken, weichen Elektronik Hersteller auf verfügbare Bauteile innerhalb der Familie aus. Daher bietet ProMik kostengünstige und schnell abrufbare Device Upgrades innerhalb der Bauteil Familien an.

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From Moscow with love - The unique mic M 900 with a remarkable history

The cardioid condenser mic M 900 and its hypercardioid cousin M 910 are not only striking in appearance, they are great sounding mics too - super clean, clear,soft and ideal for both hand-held broadcasting, stage use, as well as recording instruments and soloists in the studio. The well balanced frequency response in the free field as well as in the diffuse field and the appropriate distinct characteristics ensure clean and colourless recordings of any sound sources with good selectivity.

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VIDEO SESSION at LMP Studios LA – Studio mic M 221 for Decca tree and more

True genius lies in is taking the complex and making it simple - The new Decca Tree solution from Gefell brings the simplest installation to a point with highest recording demands. Compact and quickly installed, it opens up new perspectives of application. 3 measurement-grade omni condenser mics are arranged in a "T" pattern outlining a triangle, perfect for Decca Tree recordings or recordings where long term stability is crucial.

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Forever Young - MTG - Vintage Microphone CMV 563 - M 7 S

The CMV 563 (CMV = Condenser Microphone Amplifier) came onto the market in 1956 and was manufactured until 1972 by the limited partnership Georg Neumann & Co., today Microtech Gefell GmbH / MTG. As the highlight of the Thuringian microphone manufacturing company, it still sets the studio standard today. Even today, after more than 60 years, the microphone classic made of Gefell in combination with the legendary M 7 capsule continues to enjoy undiminished demand.

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ALLROUNDER – Gefell`s M 930 microphone-Family

Whether in the recording studio, broadcasting or at your home, our M 930 product family with different directional characteristics is universally applicable. It is particularly popular for high-quality recordings of instruments, vocals and speech and combines large-diaphragm capsule technology in a compact design with high-quality acoustic transmission characteristics such as low self-noise and high dynamic range.

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