Kategorie: Alle News

B+T Unternehmensgruppe startet Umsetzung der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie

„Let’s go green now!“ – unter diesem Motto startete die B+T Unternehmensgruppe Ende vergangenen Jahres die Kampagne zur Erreichung der Klimaziele. Dabei sind die Eigenverpflichtungen für die klimaneutrale Produktion ehrgeiziger als die gesetzlichen Vorgaben. Nach intensiver Vorplanung und Bestandaufnahme fand Mitte Juli der Kickoff für die Implementierung der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie in die Unternehmensprozesse statt.

auf zvo.org weiterlesen

ONLINE Data Vault boot Camp with Certification August 28 to 30

We are thrilled to invite you to a one-of-a-kind virtual Boot Camp on August 28 - 30. This exceptional program is tailored for all those eager to excel in the art of utilizing Data Vault. The course has been exclusively designed by Dan Linstedt - the mastermind behind this revolutionary concept! Enroll now and unlock invaluable knowledge along with best practices that will help you implement your very own Data Vault system seamlessly.

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Logo der Firma priomold GmbH
priomold GmbH

Turning a threat into an opportunity

The manufacturing of prototypes and small series is a rather traditional industry that is largely made up of small and midsize companies. This is where the young enterprise Priomold has turned in an impressive run of growth, one that has made it one of the largest providers of its kind in Germany. Having initially perceived additive manufacturing as a threat to its business, Priomold is now hoping that the technology will help it write the next chapter of its success story.

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Data Vault 2.0 Boot Camp and Certification - Brussles August 07 - 09

We're excited to invite you to our Boot Camp happening in Brussels from August 7-9. This one's perfect for Project Managers, IT Implementers, Data Architects and anyone who wants to become a pro at using Data Vault. The course is designed by the very inventor of Data Vault himself - Dan Linstedt! So if you sign up now, get ready for some amazing insights and best practices on how to implement it effectively. Plus, once done with the training program you'll receive an official certificate.

auf scalefree.com weiterlesen

Swiveling drive – new function for the TB30 belt conveyor

A new drive version with swiveling head drive is now available for the TB30 belt conveyor. The swiveling drive position can be selected at will from 0 to 270 degrees. Because the drive is above the belt conveyor, it does not come into contact with oil or cooling emulsion. As an option, the belt conveyor can also be equipped with an oil pan – with a fixed or mobile base. The new function can be configured directly in the Montech online configurator.

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Logo der Firma nicos AG
nicos AG

nicos AG ist Teil der ServiceNow Familie

Die nicos AG setzt zukünftig auf ServiceNow als Plattform für Service Management und den sicheren Betrieb globaler Datennetze. Das Einführungsprojekt gestaltet die in Frankfurt/Main ansässige SOLVVision AG. Die konzeptionellen Arbeiten haben die beiden Unternehmen bereits Anfang 2022 gemeinsam durchgeführt. Die cloudbasierte ServiceNow-Plattform bietet ein durchgängiges Arbeitsumfeld u.a. für die Bereiche Customer Service Management (CSM) und IT Service Management (ITSM).

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Logo der Firma Comma Soft AG
Comma Soft AG

NextGen, NextKnowledge: Wie KI Erfahrungswissen transferiert

„Wissen ist Macht“, schrieb der englische Philosoph Francis Bacon schon 1597. Für Unternehmen ist es ein Gut, das über ihren Fortbestand entscheiden kann. Das wird schmerzlich spürbar, wenn Mitarbeiter:innen ausfallen oder das Unternehmen verlassen und ihr Erfahrungswissen plötzlich fehlt. Fachkräftemangel und demographischer Wandel verschärfen das Risiko zusätzlich, da es immer schwieriger wird, Nachfolger zu finden. Was können Unternehmen tun, damit wertvolles Wissen auch unabhängig von einzel

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Logo der Firma promeos GmbH
promeos GmbH

Heatelligence from promeos® for shaped and smart glasses!

Science fiction a few years ago, now reality: we are surrounded by touch-sensitive displays and surfaces on electronic devices, wearables and in vehicles. The increasingly complex shaped glass surfaces required for such applications place new and significantly higher demands on glass bending processes: The (touch-sensitive) screens and surfaces used in all sizes and installation forms are only at the beginning of their spread and their possibilities for integration into all kinds of everyday ob

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New App in the Atlassian Marketplace: API Key Manager for Confluence

Polymetis Apps has launched a new app. For everyone who was wondering when the API Key Manager will also be available for Confluence: You can now find its equivalent – API Key Manager for Confluence – in the Marketplace. The app creates restricted, time-limited API keys for Confluence Cloud, allowing you better control of how your instance's data can be accessed. You can also revoke them when not needed anymore and do not have to wait for their automatic expiration.

auf marketplace.atlassian.com weiterlesen

Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH


A Net-Domain is a top-level domain (TLD) that is primarily used for network infrastructure purposes. It was originally intended for use by network operators, such as Internet service providers (ISPs) and other organizations that are involved in the operation of networks. However, it is now commonly used by a wide range of individuals and organizations for a variety of purposes. One of the main advantages of using a Net-Domain is that it is generally seen as a more professional and trustworthy.

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Logo der Firma hofer powertrain
hofer powertrain

The new SPEED Magazine is out now!

hofer powertrain has released its latest SPEED Magazine – an annual collection of all news on powertrain development, including the latest eDrive solutions, the most advanced technologies for unprecedented efficiency increases, cost reductions, higher driving ranges, and compact, high-performance designs. With its strong expertise reaching back to 1980, hofer powertrain carries eMobility in its DNA, realizing powertrains of the future today. Get your copy for free.

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

If Kimberly is your name, .kim is your domain!

We are pleased to introduce a new Top Level Domain just for Kims: .KIM. Now you can get yourname.KIM as a website and email address. Business owners and individuals worldwide prefer to use their own name in their Internet address. If your name is KIM, this has been very difficult, as all the "KIM" names in .com were already taken years ago. KIM is one of the most popular surnames in the world, with 100M Koreans named Kim. https://www.domainregistry.de/kim-domain.html

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Logo der Firma Secura GmbH
Secura GmbH

If Kim is your name, .kim is your domain!

We are pleased to introduce a new Top Level Domain just for Kims: .KIM. Now you can get yourname.KIM as a website and email address. Business owners and individuals worldwide prefer to use their own name in their Internet address. If your name is KIM, this has been very difficult, as all the "KIM" names in .com were already taken years ago. KIM is one of the most popular surnames in the world, with 100M Koreans named Kim. https://www.domainregistry.de/kim-domains.html

auf domainregistry.de weiterlesen

Das offene IndexNow Protokoll beschleunigt die Indexierung

Bei der Pull-Methode besucht der Suchmaschinen-Crawler die Website und stellt dann eventuelle Änderungen fest. Dafür muss die Seite gecrawlt und die Sitemap eingelesen werden. Wie oft die Seite gecrawlt wird, hängt von mehreren Faktoren (z.B. der Verlinkung) ab. Unter Umständen vergehen so mehrere Tage bis eine neue Seite im Index erscheint.

auf abakus-internet-marketing.de weiterlesen

Logo der Firma elexis AG
elexis AG

Frame Guide: Compact, integrative, highly precise - BST takes flexible web control to a new level

Under the name FRAMEGuide, we have now introduced a newly developed rotating frame for material widths of 800 mm to 1,800 mm, whose innovative "sheet metal" design offers significant advantages in the printing industry, film extrusion or packaging production, among others. As a result, the new rotating frame takes up significantly less space and can be installed more flexibly in machines. At the same time, its torsionally rigid design increases precision and performance in web guiding.

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Logo der Firma elexis AG
elexis AG

Team strengthening - New product manager for strip guiding systems at EMG: Jens Kathol

We are pleased to introduce an important reinforcement of our team in product management. Jens Kathol completed his exams in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Siegen, Germany, and has, in addition to theoretical expertise, a great deal of practical experience thanks to his apprenticeship and several years of work as a tool mechanic. He has now been the new product manager for strip guiding systems at EMG since the beginning of the year.

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Logo der Firma promeos GmbH
promeos GmbH

WE KNOW HEAT – promeos® liefert stets die energetisch und ökologisch beste Beheizungslösung

Vor dem aktuellen Hintergrund der Verunsicherung um die Versorgung mit Erdgas bekommt ein weiterer Vorteil der promeos® Lösungen eine große Bedeutung: promeos® Anlagen erlauben einen problemlosen Wechsel von Erd- zu Flüssiggas oder zu Sondergasen wie Bio- oder Pyrolysegas! Hierbei ermöglichen standardisierte Umbausätze eine schnelle und sichere Umstellung. Darüber hinaus ist auch ein Wechsel von Strom auf Gas oder eben umgekehrt von Gas auf Strom möglich.

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Logo der Firma promeos GmbH
promeos GmbH

WE KNOW HEAT – promeos® always delivers the best heating solution in terms of energy and ecology!

Considering the current uncertainty about the supply of natural gas, another advantage of promeos® solutions takes on great significance: promeos® systems allow a changeover from natural gas to liquid gas or to special gases such as biogas or pyrolysis gas! Standardized conversion kits allow a fast and safe changeover. Furthermore, a changeover from electricity to gas or vice versa from gas to electricity is also possible.

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Logo der Firma promeos GmbH
promeos GmbH

WE: We know heat. OUR CUSTOMERS: “Low maintenance and incredibly efficient, outstanding reliability”

Convincing technology and extensive know-how: promeos® delivers! Besides own highly efficient plug & play systems with the innovative promeos® gas burner technology or hybrid or green power based systems, promeos® also supplies an exclusive circle of partners with the highly efficient gas burner – technology or hybrid solutions. One of the partners is the special machine builder Jagenberg Elrond GmbH and their customer Likora.

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Logo der Firma promeos GmbH
promeos GmbH

WIR: We know heat. UNSERE KUNDEN: „Wartungsarm und unheimlich effizient, herausragende Zuverlässigkeit“

Überzeugende Technologie und umfangreiches Know-How: promeos® liefert! Neben eigenen hocheffizienten Plug & Play Systemen mit der innovativen promeos® Gasbrenner Technologie oder hybriden oder grünstrombasierten Systemen, beliefert promeos® auch einen exklusiven Kreis an Partnern mit der hocheffizienten Gasbrenner – Technologie oder hybriden Lösungen. Einer der Partner ist der Sondermaschinenbauer Jagenberg Elrond GmbH und deren Kunde Likora.

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