Kategorie: Alle News

Increase efficiency through standardization in conveyor technology

The standardization of conveyor systems has far-reaching effects on the efficiency of production processes. It reduces costs, shortens delivery times, increases flexibility for customer-specific solutions, and optimizes quality. By combining proven standardized processes with innovative technologies, we are able to take greater advantage of these benefits and create a solid basis for companies to achieve future-oriented production.

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Logo der Firma MONTECH AG

Increase efficiency through standardization in conveyor technology

The standardization of conveyor systems has far-reaching effects on the efficiency of production processes. It reduces costs, shortens delivery times, increases flexibility for customer-specific solutions, and optimizes quality. By combining proven standardized processes with innovative technologies, we are able to take greater advantage of these benefits and create a solid basis for companies to achieve future-oriented production.

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Optimal solution for production lines: aluminum framing system MPS with individual roller conveyors

With its extensive modular system and roller elements, the aluminium framing system MPS offers the option of creating non-motorized roller conveyors in any dimensions. If required, a fixed, mobile or inclinable substructure can be added. Thanks to the high stock availability of components, delivery times are very short. Perfect for production lines involving the loading and unloading of different sized product carriers and blister packs.

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Logo der Firma MONTECH AG

Optimal solution for production lines: aluminum framing system MPS with individual roller conveyors

With its extensive modular system and roller elements, the aluminium framing system MPS offers the option of creating non-motorized roller conveyors in any dimensions. If required, a fixed, mobile or inclinable substructure can be added. Thanks to the high stock availability of components, delivery times are very short. Perfect for production lines involving the loading and unloading of different sized product carriers and blister packs.

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Increase efficiency through standardization in conveyor technology

The standardization of conveyor systems has far-reaching effects on the efficiency of production processes. It reduces costs, shortens delivery times, increases flexibility for customer-specific solutions, and optimizes quality. By combining proven standardized processes with innovative technologies, we are able to take greater advantage of these benefits and create a solid basis for companies to achieve future-oriented production.

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Logo der Firma MONTECH AG

Increase efficiency through standardization in conveyor technology

The standardization of conveyor systems has far-reaching effects on the efficiency of production processes. It reduces costs, shortens delivery times, increases flexibility for customer-specific solutions, and optimizes quality. By combining proven standardized processes with innovative technologies, we are able to take greater advantage of these benefits and create a solid basis for companies to achieve future-oriented production.

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Logo der Firma Virtimo AG
Virtimo AG

FT Report 2024: Virtimo unter den am schnellsten wachsenden Unternehmen Europas.

Jedes Jahr arbeiten die Financial Times und Statista zusammen, um Unternehmen mit schnellem, organischem und nachhaltigem Wachstum zu identifizieren. Wir freuen uns sehr, mit einer durchschnittlichen Wachstumsrate von 41,2 % dabei den 870. Platz erreicht zu haben. Klar ist, dass wir ohne wachsendes V-Team nicht in der Lage wären, uns weiterzuentwickeln und immer mehr, immer komplexere Projekte zu stemmen.

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Increase efficiency through standardization in conveyor technology

The standardization of conveyor systems has far-reaching effects on the efficiency of production processes. It reduces costs, shortens delivery times, increases flexibility for customer-specific solutions, and optimizes quality. By combining proven standardized processes with innovative technologies, we are able to take greater advantage of these benefits and create a solid basis for companies to achieve future-oriented production.

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Logo der Firma MONTECH AG

Increase efficiency through standardization in conveyor technology

The standardization of conveyor systems has far-reaching effects on the efficiency of production processes. It reduces costs, shortens delivery times, increases flexibility for customer-specific solutions, and optimizes quality. By combining proven standardized processes with innovative technologies, we are able to take greater advantage of these benefits and create a solid basis for companies to achieve future-oriented production.

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Logo der Firma promeos GmbH
promeos GmbH

EUROGUSS product highlight | promeos® dosing furnaces with best price and short delivery time guaranteed!

Visit promeos® at EUROGUSS 2024 and let us demonstrate the advantages of promeos® dosing furnaces. In addition to other product highlights from promeos® for (die) casting such as the promeos® shaft melting furnaces and transportable crucible furnaces (m.pot & heat dock), the promeos® dosing furnaces are characterized by very attractive prices and short production times! They provide state-of-the-art technology and extensive equipment already included.

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Logo der Firma ApoRisk GmbH
ApoRisk GmbH

Liegen Ökonomen häufiger falsch als früher?

Seit geraumer Zeit werfen Kritiker den Ökonomen vor, vermehrt danebenzuliegen, wenn es um ihre Prognosen und Einschätzungen geht. Die "New York Times" hat in einem aktuellen Artikel behauptet, dass diese Fehlschätzungen seit nunmehr drei Jahren anhalten. Doch bevor wir diesen Vorwurf als Tatsache akzeptieren, werfen wir einen genauen Blick auf die Entwicklung der Treffsicherheit der Ökonomen über die Jahre.

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Logo der Firma BlowerDoor GmbH
BlowerDoor GmbH

New at BlowerDoor GmbH: Fan Calibration according to Manufacturer's Specification

New at BlowerDoor since April 2023 is the calibration (1-point) according to manufacturer's specification for the BlowerDoor Standard measuring fan (model 4). One measured value is calibrated per measuring orifice. The requirement of ISO 9972 for the accuracy of the measuring systems of ± 7 % is assessed. A previous basic maintenance and functional test is included. We calibrate according to date request and ask for registration, in order to ensure short calibration times of max. 5 working days.

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Reduced delivery times by Vögtlin Instruments

Shorter delivery times by increasing production capacity and stock levels. This enables us to produce and process urgent orders faster so that you do not have long and unnecessary downtimes and the associated costs. Currently, our delivery times are 6 – 8 weeks. Please contact us. We will be happy to provide solutions to any challenges with your flow measurement and control tasks for gases.

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Logo der Firma tecRacer Group
tecRacer Group

„Es liegt immer am DNS" - das hört man häufig bei Spekulationen über die Ursache eines weitreichenden Ausfalls großer Websites.

Und das trifft in erstaunlich vielen Fällen zu! Lassen Sie uns DNS mal ein bisschen genauer betrachten! In diesem Blogbeitrag erklärt Ihnen unser Kollege die Funktionsweise von DNS näher und geht auf zwei häufig verwendete Features von AWS Route53 ein: CNAME und ALIAS Records. Finden wir heraus, was sie tun, wie sie funktionieren und was der Unterschied zwischen ihnen ist!

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Born2Grow investiert in Circular Economy Startup EEDEN

Das Startup EEDEN hat ein innovatives Verfahren für das umweltschonende Recycling von Kleidung und anderen textilen Produkten entwickelt. Die Gründer Reiner Mantsch und Steffen Gerlach konnten nur wenige Monate nach ihrem 1st Closing mit dem TechVision Fonds, High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) und Markus Hölzl auch Born2Grow von ihrem Konzept überzeugen.

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TOPTICA Photonics update

Subscribe to our weekly newsletter! Read today: Exciting Times in Quantum Technologies In this interview, two insiders talk about this collaboration between industry and science. Which lasers and photonic solutions are currently in demand for applications in quantum technology and what developments we can expect in the future. TOPTICA: High-end laser systems for your scientific or industrial application.

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Logo der Firma aquatherm GmbH
aquatherm GmbH

Prefabrication on the construction site saves time and money

Shorter installation times, conservation of resources, and compensation for the shortage of skilled workers: the trend towards prefabricated piping systems, manifolds, and special components is emerging in modern pipeline construction. After all, prefabrication offers many different advantages in the sanitary, heating, and air-conditioning sector. We will introduce you to some of the advantages and provide information on practical examples of aquatherm installations.

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Jörg Brühl als Experte auf Podiumsdiskussion für The Times online

Die gestiegenen Erwartungen der Verbraucher, die Digitalisierung vieler Unternehmen, die Kommerzialisierung von Telekommunikationsprodukten sowie die Pandemie haben das Kundenerlebnis und seine Bedeutung tiefgreifend verändert. Im Bereich der Business-to-Business-Telekommunikation ist das Kundenerlebnis inzwischen der wichtigste Faktor für Kundenloyalität und damit für das Umsatzwachstum der Unternehmen.

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imc wins six awards at LearnX Awards in Australia

The Australian educational institute LearnX has honored imc and its customers with no less than six prizes and awards at the "LearnX Awards" 2021. The international award program honors innovative and creative projects in the fields of learning and design every year. Among others, the awareness game "Cyber Crime Time" was awarded Gold in the category "Best Game E-Learning Design". In the freely available IT security training, learners become hackers themselves.

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Logo der Firma SGB-SMIT GmbH

OTC employees on assignment for their hometown

Extraordinary engineering achievements, implemented with high craftsmanship: The design and manufacture of transformers involves a large proportion of manual work, even in times of increasing automation. This is of course all the more true for service, maintenance and repair work, such as that carried out by our group member OTC in Louisville, Ohio. This circumstance probably has the same private implications for our North American colleagues as for all other technical employees ...

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