Kategorie: Alle News

Logo der Firma promeos GmbH
promeos GmbH

Promeos® Team Time

Every summer, the promeos® team takes time to bond and recharge with some interesting and fun group activities off the usual work routines and places. This year was no exception! Despite the heat, we had a lot of fun on a joint hike to the Kreuzberg in Franconian Switzerland – thanks to DJ Volkan for the sound system on the way!

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FSV-Verkehrstag 2024, Austria

Known as the biggest infrastructure event of the year for experts from the industry in Austria, FSV organized the “FSV-Verkehrstag 2024” in Vienna last week. the Austrian Research Association for Roads, Railways and Transport (FSV) regards itself as a platform and centre of competence, collaborating with experts of the industry to develop and communicate the knowledge gained in the fields of roads, railways and transportation.

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Logo der Firma Konrad GmbH
Konrad GmbH

Automation for Manufacturing and Test at Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2024 from Konrad Technologies

The Automotive Testing Expo (ATE) is the world’s leading international expo for every aspect of automotive testing, development and validation technologies. Each year, our presence grows as we collaborate with more partners, delivering greater value to the automotive industry through our specialized expertise and understanding. Konrad Technologies + WKS Informatik in Hall 10, Stand 1313 | Co-Exhibition with AIP Automotive in Hall 10, Stand 1522 | Co-Exhibition with MORAI in Hall 6, Stand 6328

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Scientists' Choice Awards 2023: Starlab ist auf der Short-List der nachhaltigsten Anbieter für Laborprodukte

Der Hamburger Laborproduktehersteller Starlab International hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die wissenschaftliche Praxis im Labor nachhaltiger zu gestalten. Jetzt wurde das Unternehmen für den Scientists' Choice Award „Nachhaltiger Anbieter des Jahres“ nominiert. Seit 2007 prämieren die Awards die Macher der Branche. Mit der in diesem Jahr neu eingeführten Kategorie „Sustainable Supplier of the Year“ wird bereits ein weiterer Preis für besonders umweltbewusstes Handeln verliehen.

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Logo der Firma Virtimo AG
Virtimo AG

Bundesnetzagentur fordert Fristeinhaltung der Umsetzung von AS4 für die Marktkommunikation Strom

New year, same beast. Mit einer Mitteilung wies die Bundesnetzagentur nun erneut darauf hin, dass die Abwicklung der Marktkommunikation Strom ab 1. April 2024 nur noch auf Basis von AS4 zulässig ist. Bedeutet für Marktteilnehmende: Wer die Umstellung bis zu dieser Deadline nicht vorgenommen hat, wird vom elektronischen Nachrichtenaustausch ausgeschlossen. Auch im neuen Jahr gilt: Mit VICOS bieten wir Ihnen einen maximal entlastenden Service, der schnell zum Einsatz kommen kann.

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Dear partners and friends, At the end of the year, we can look back on an eventful and eventful year that has brought new opportunities and challenges. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the trust you have placed in us. It has been a pleasure to work with you. We thank you for your support and for helping to make 2023 a successful year. We look forward to a successful collaboration in 2024! Yours sincerely, Microtech Gefell GmbH

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Logo der Firma PYREG GmbH

First German carbon removal park relies on biochar production with PYREG - NetZero technology carbonizes biogenic residues into CO2-binding biochar and produces renewable energy

The Carbon Removal Park Baltic Sea in Grevesmühlen is a unique example in Germany of a holistic approach to CO₂ removal and green heat generation. Each year 3,200 t of CO₂ will be removed from the atmosphere, 6,600 MWh of climate-neutral heat will be generated, and 1,700 t of biochar will be produced, which can be used as a soil conditioner in agriculture, among other things.

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Kluthe Polen gewinnt den Preis für den Lieferanten des Jahres

Eine erfolgreiche E-Congres Paint Poland 2023 ist zu Ende und wir sind mehr als stolz, den Supplier of the Year Award zu gewinnen. Wir möchten uns bei unseren Kunden bedanken, die für uns gestimmt haben. Die jährliche Messe fand in Uniejów statt und stand ganz im Zeichen der Lackiererei-Branche. Für das nächste Jahr sind wir bereit und freuen uns darauf, neue und bestehende Geschäftspartner wieder zu treffen.

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ZES ZIMMER at the Metrology Days Conference 2023

This year, the metrology expertise network gathered once again for an exchange of experiences at the Metrology Days conference in Böblingen, Germany, held annually in October. For already the third time, we from ZES ZIMMER Electronic Systems GmbH participated in the event as well, enriching the content with both an exhibition of our innovative measurement technology and a technical lecture about "Avoiding Pitfalls in Calibrating Broadband Precision Power Analyzers".

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Logo der Firma promeos GmbH
promeos GmbH

100 Years Republic of Turkey

promeos® has always had a special relationship with Turkey and we congratulate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic. A century of history and growth is an impressive milestone achieved by the Republic of Turkey. The founding of the Republic in 1923 is a testament to the determination and commitment of its people to build a nation based on principles such as independence, democracy and freedom.

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Generation 4 - The new microphone system from Gefell at the Studioszene 2023 in Hamburg

Studioscene is the community event for audio engineers, producers and home recorders. Over 50 top audio brands present their gear directly for testing. This year, Studioszene will take place from 17 to 19 October at the Hamburg Exhibition Center. The new microphone system will include an ultra-compact microphone amplifier with two alternative connectors and four microphone capsules with different polar patterns as well as the matching accessories for different applications.

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Gigaset bei connect professional-Leserwahl “products of the year” doppelt nominiert

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Gigaset auch dieses Jahr wieder für die funkschau Leserwahl nominiert wurde! Die Leserwahl ist für uns ein wichtiger Indikator, wie gut unsere Produkte bei unseren B2B-Kunden ankommen. Dieses Jahr ist die funkschau Leserwahl jedoch unter einem neuen Namen bekannt: Connect-Professional-Leserwahl.

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Come together - Microtech Gefell at the HAMBURG OPEN 2023

The innovation and networking event for creative professionals in the broadcast and media technology industry is traditionally a must for MTG. Since 2009, HAMBURG OPEN has been providing important landmarks for the broadcast and media technology scene with a mix of networking event, expo and lecture program. With innovations and live guitar, MTG is also present in its 95th anniversary year with innovative solutions for current and future challenges broadcast and recording sector.

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