Kategorie: Alle News

Plant-based bioengineering plastic "DURABIO™" has been adopted for Casio "PRO TREK®," a watch brand for nature lovers

are pleased to announce that the bioengineering plastic "DURABIO™," developed by the Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG), has been adopted for use in the bezel portion of the outdoor watch "PRO TREK® PRG-340" from Casio Computer Co., Ltd. (Casio). This product will be released by Casio starting from August 5, 2022. This is the first time that "DURABIO™" has been adopted for a watch part application.

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Establishment of New Technology Study Group for Art in the IoT Era

Tokyo University of the Arts Center of Innovation(Tokyo University of the Arts COI Organization; Headquarters: Taito-ku, Tokyo; PL: Project Professor Masaaki Miyasako; project executive: Project Professor Junji Ito), Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation (MCG; Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Jean-Marc Gilson) and Shimadzu Corporation (Shimadzu; Head office: Kyoto City, Kyoto;

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DURABIO™, a plant-based bio engineering plastic with excellent scratch resistance, has been adopted for the industry's first biomass helmet

The Mitsubishi Chemical Group (MCG) hereby announces that MCG’s bio-based engineering plastic, DURABIO™, has been adopted for the entire body of the biomass plastic helmet "pervio® BP" manufactured by Starlite Co., Ltd. (Starlite; Head office: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture; President: Takashi Saigo). This product has been sold by Starlite since June 1, 2022.

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Resource-Recycling (Label to Label) Shrink Sleeve Label Adopted for the first time in Japan

itsubishi Chemical Holdings Group (MCHG) hereby announces that it has developed a resource-recycling (Label to Label) shrink sleeve label via material recycling through a joint demonstration project with Fuji Seal, Inc. (Fuji Seal: Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Kosuke Matsuzaki), which will make shrink sleeve labels for plastic bottles recyclable.

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Notice on Change of Trade Name and Partial Amendment to Articles of Incorporation

Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation (MCHC) hereby announces that its Board of Directors today resolved that MCHC will propose a change of trade name and partial amendment to the Articles of Incorporation at the 17th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on June 24, 2022. The details are outlined below.

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Apparel Brand "age3026™" Made from "Soalon™" Plant-based Yarn to Launch Sale of New Items and Hold an Exhibition to Take Orders

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC; Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Masayuki Waga) hereby announces the sales launch of new items from March 1 (Tuesday) in the “age3026™” apparel brand operated by MCC. In conjunction with this, MCC will hold an exhibition to take orders for these new items in Tokyo and Kyoto.

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Bio-based Engineering Plastic with Excellent Design and Durability "DURABIO™" Adopted for Use in Pilot Ballpoint Pens

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC; Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Masayuki Waga) hereby announces that MCC’s bio-based engineering plastic "DURABIO™" has been adopted as the main body part (rear shaft) of Pilot Corporation’s (Pilot; Head office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: Shu Itoh) ballpoint pen "Acroball T Series Biomass Plastic" and "FRIXION Ball Knock 05 Biomass Plastic." These products have been offered for sale by Pilot since February 3, 2022*.

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Design of Pilot Plant for MMA Monomers Using Plant-Derived Materials Has Begun

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC; Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Masayuki Waga) and its subsidiary Mitsubishi Chemical Methacrylates (MCM; Representative: Hitoshi Sasaki) have developed a manufacturing technology for MMA (methyl methacrylate) monomers that uses plant-derived materials and have begun designing a pilot plant.

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Notice on Restructuring to Strengthen Engineering Plastic Business

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC; Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Masayuki Waga) hereby announces that MCC will implement business restructuring measures aimed at strengthening MCC’s engineering plastic business, by both transferring half of MCC’s stake in Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics Corporation (MEP; Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Takashi Komaya), MCC’s equity-method affiliate, to Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. (MGC; Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo;

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NUFAM Rückblick: Kühlfahrzeug Runner mit Mitsubishi TE 30

Eine interessante Lösung hat Kiesling kürzlich auf der NUFAM vorgestellt: Der Kühltransporter City Runner ermöglicht das Be- und Entladen über eine ausziehbare Rampe. Die vollelektrische TE 30 von Mitsubishi sorgt für einen umweltfreundlichen und leisen Betrieb und geringe Wartungskosten. Während der Fahrt im Start&Stopp-Betrieb oder bei der Auslieferung im Standbetrieb liefert der Batteriemodus eine volle drehzahlunabhängige Leistung. Der Kühltransporter ist kurzfristig erhältlich.

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Nachhaltige Kühlfahrzeuge und Kühltransporter kommen gut an auf der NUFAM!

Nachhaltigkeit schließt Wirtschaftlichkeit nicht aus, das Gegenteil zeigte Kiesling Kühlfahrzeuge auf der NUFAM in Karlsruhe. Das Interesse an umweltfreundlicheren Kühl-Lösungen war groß und die Exponate boten sowohl im Kühltransporterbereich als auch für Motorwagen etwas: - Mercedes-Benz Atego mit recycelbarem Kiesling Kühlaufbau - absolute Neuheit: die neue Thermo King V-1000, effiziente Kühlung ohne Dieselmotor - Sprinter Cooler Flitzer - Kiesling Runner mit Mitsubishi TE 30 (vollelektrisch)

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enisyst GmbH

Forschungsprojekt smart2charge analysiert Elektromobilität für den ländlichen Raum

Start des Forschungsprojekts smart2charge unter der Leitung von Dr. Dirk Pietruschka (enisyst GmbH): Wie kann die Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektrofahrzeuge im ländlichen Raum zukunftsweisend aufgebaut und ins bestehende Stromnetz integriert werden? Dieser Frage soll im gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt smart2Charge der enisyst GmbH in Zusammenarbeit mit der HFT Stuttgart, Mitsubishi Motors Deutschland Automobile GmbH und der Gemeinde Wüstenrot wissenschaftlich nachgegangen werden.

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